Video Transcript:
Live/Wire is a multiplayer FPS about anti-corporate rebels called “breakers”, who fight the system with grappling hooks and rechargeable electric guns. I developed it over the course of two semesters with my teammates at Wild Village Games, serving as a designer in 2020, and as the product owner and narrative lead in 2021. I established the game’s narrative context and tone, as well as helped design its control scheme, its core combat loop, and all four of its usable guns. I am personally the most proud of the Supercell, a twist on the traditional rocket launcher that allows players to detonate its projectiles in midair, as well as the Feedback, a powerful shotgun that can absorb damage with its shield and then send it right back at an enemy.
At first, serving as the narrative lead for Live/Wire was tough, because most multiplayer shooters have very little emphasis on story, if at all. To achieve this, I worked closely with artists and level designers to ensure the game’s narrative context would be conveyed through its environment alone, such as through architecture and advertisements. Live/Wire was a difficult project, but the experience taught me a great deal about writing and designing for multiplayer games.
Additional documentation, written entirely by me:
Design Document:
Narrative FAQ:
Early Design Sketch: