Every Game Has the Community It Deserves
A critique of the effects that a game’s design can have on its community.
In Defense of Restrictions
An examination of how games can feel all the more meaningful when they force us to slow down.
Could the Steam Deck Save Fighting Games?
An article about how Valve’s new Steam Deck could potentially revolutionize fighting games.
A New Taxonomy of Difficulty
A call to reconsider how we talk about difficulty in games.
BioShock: Realizing Rapture
A dive into the vivid, influential, and occasionally clumsy worldbuilding of BioShock.
The Bunker: An FMV Triumph
A spoiler-filled breakdown of what makes The Bunker such a masterful revival of FMV games.
Borderlands 2: Deep and Dumb
An analysis of how Borderlands 2 both succeeds and fails at nuanced storytelling.